Bicep Hammer Curl: With both hands, hold dumbells vertically and move to your chest. Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions(image on page).
Preacher Curls: Hold a dumbell or barbell with both hands and curl the weights to your chest using a wide range of motion.
Proper Form
Its important to keep the back straight and to do controled movements when curling weights to work out your biceps. Choose a weight that is challenging but not too heavy to the point where you have to lean back to complete a repetition.
Nutrition Tips
Why Fiber Is So Important
Why Eat Fiber? Fiber is very important in any diet for a number of reasons. Many people know that fiber helps with digestion but there are other important benefits as well. Fiber doesnt digest in the body and as a result it takes the body longer to digest other food. This helps keep you full for longer and also reduces your blood sugar spikes when sugar and carbs enter your body.
Types of Fiber: there are two types of fiber that you can eat, soluble and insoluble. Soluble can be digested and takes a long time and insoluble cant be digested at all.