Seated Dumbell Shoulder Press: while sitting straight on a bench, hold two dumbells in an over hand grip and position one on each side of your body. Push the dumbells side by side from each other until they are positioned straight from each other.
Dumbell Lateral Raise: while standing hold each dumbell in a closed over hand grip and raise each dumbell one at a time outward until the dumbell lines up with your chest. Make sure to keep your arm straight.
Cable Reverse Flye: hold the opposite cable ends with each hand and move your arms outwards. This crosses the cables and targets your shoulder muscles.
Proper Form
Keep the arms straight to avoid working your biceps or triceps. Do complete movements and use weight that is heavy enough to be challenging but not too heavy where you have to cheat or use bad form to complete the exercise.
Nutrition Tips
Benefits of Vegetables
Vegetables are very low in calories and have alot of fiber per serving. This is the perfect food for losing weight. The problem is that most vegetables taste bitter and unpleasant so make sure to add the vegetables in with a course to cook.
Vegetables have alot of useful nutrients like potassium, iron, vitamin B12, vitamin A, and many more.
Vegetables are great to eat while working out because they help to properly fuel your body. Eating junk food isnt very beneficial while trying to get fit.